Event Calendar

If you like to sing, you are welcome to join our rehearsals on Wednesday evenings.  We have returned to in-person rehearsals from 7:00 to 10:00PM at 255 Oak St. in the basement of St. Andrews United Church.  For more information call our Membership VP – Rosie Labossiere-Gee at 204-981-7219.

Please email info@rivercitysound.ca (there’s also a link at the top left corner of our webpage) if you would like any further information about any of the events listed below!


RIVER CITY SOUND’s annual Christmas show “That’s Christmas To Me” will take place at 2:30pm on Saturday Nov. 30th at Prairie Spirit United Church, 207 Thompson Drive.  Tickets are $25 (Children 12 and under are free), and are available from any member, or online at Eventbrite here: https://rcs2024christmas.eventbrite.ca/


2024 Christmas Raffle Winner – 50/50 Draw – LGCA 5039-RF-46279:

During the River City Sound ‘That’s Christmas To Me’ concert held on November 30 at Prairie Spirit United Church, a 50/50 draw was held which raised $984.00 in total sales. The winning ticket, number 551169, was claimed by G. Newton of Winnipeg, who received half of the total: $492.00, and our Congratulations! The other half of the funds raised was topped up by a donation from one of our singers, and a cheque for $500.00 was presented to the Salvation Army Toy Mountain on Saturday December 7 at Polo Park, along with toys donated by our audience the previous week. River City Sound sang a round of seasonal carols for the Toy Mountain volunteers and the throngs of shoppers in the mall. Many thanks to our audience for your support!

Grey Cup pool winners 2024:

pool #1                                                                                                                                     pool#2

1st qtr. $100 Sheila Lemon – reverse $25 Al Mackling                                1st qtr. $100 Chris Warnock – reverse $25 Ethel Cooper

half $100 Michelle English – reverse $25 Bernie Gunn                               half $100 Stu Thompson – reverse $25 unsold

3rd qtr. $100 Ian Lumsden – reverse $25 Gwen Neuendorff                  3rd qtr. $100 Pete Sanderson – reverse $25 unsold

final $200 Michelle English – final reverse $50 Brent Neumann          final $200 Laurie Scarlett – reverse $50 Mary Zacaruk


River City Sound acknowledges, with thanks, the contribution made by both the Winnipeg Foundation and the Foundation for Choral Music In Manitoba toward purchasing risers for our chorus. These two grants were instrumental in the replacement of our aging risers. We would also like to thank Sing Canada Harmony for its support of our Learn To Sing (Better) program, which provides a free introduction to a cappella singing to the general public and the Land O’ Lakes District of the Barbershop Harmony Society for their support in providing choral coaching to the chorus.