Tax deductible Charitable Donations can now be made to River City Sound –> DONATE NOW

River City Sound acknowledges, with thanks, the contribution made by both the Winnipeg Foundation and the Foundation for Choral Music In Manitoba toward purchasing risers for our chorus. These two grants were instrumental in the replacement of our aging risers. We would also like to thank Sing Canada Harmony for its support of our Learn To Sing (Better) program, which provides a free introduction to a cappella singing to the general public and the Land O’ Lakes District of the Barbershop Harmony Society for their support in providing choral coaching to the chorus.
West Region – Land O’ Lakes District
Barbershop Harmony Society
Everyone In Harmony
A mixed (male & female) chorus that sings acappella 4-part harmony music. Members of the Barbershop Harmony Society since 1948. Chorus and chapter quartets are hired to perform at community and private events.
Prepare for two major shows annually – April/May and Dec.
Provide opportunities for vocal and administrative skills development.
Compete at the Division and District conventions.
Support 3 local charities: Habitat for Humanity, Welcome Place, and Candace House
One national charity: Sing Canada Harmony

Learn more about River City Sound
Attend our rehearsal in the basement of St. Andrew’s United Church, 255 Oak St. at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings.